About Me

Hi there! My name is Shelby and I'm a twenty-three year old college graduate from the east coast. Ever since I was a child, I've had a thing for art. Whether it was drawing or painting or DIY projects; I was into it. However, I didn't get into graphic design until I was about thirteen/fourteen. I taught myself Photoshop and by the end of high school, I was pretty positive that design was the way I wanted to take things. I find that I enjoy print and digital publishing the most and hope to take my career in that direction.

On a personal level, I recently graduated and received my BS in Multimedia Design. I've lived in four different states but have spent the majority of my life in Delaware, the small wonder. Outside of school and design, I like to frequent concerts and shows in my surrounding area. Being outside and doing things outdoors is something I make a huge effort to do; I can only stay on my computer for so long. I also have a thing for make-up; I'm a little obsessed. I'm also a huge animal lover and have never lived in a house without more than three pets.